Wisdom tooth is the third permanent molar in the human dentition. In total, we have 4 of those sitting at the furthest corner in our mouths. When the jaw that houses the wisdom tooth is too small, the wisdom tooth may erupt in an unconventional orientation and causes problems. To know more about impacted wisdom tooth, do visit our article about it here [insert hyperlink to article]
Going for a surgery can indeed be stressful, so here are some tips on how to get the experience less fear-inducing, especially for first timers.
Before the surgery: INFORM
Do tell your dentists if you have any pre-existing medical condition or any drug allergies. This is important in helping your dentist to prescribe the most suitable drug to minimize any post-operative complications.
As impacted wisdom tooth extraction is quite a complex surgery, it will come with a week-long medical certificate (MC). You can pre-empt your employer regarding your absence before you decide on the day you want to get your tooth extracted.
You may want to read these articles before going for the surgery:
5 Important Questions To Ask Your Dentist About Wisdom Teeth Removal
What Is Wisdom Tooth? Do I Have To See A Dentist For My Wisdom Tooth?
What Are Wisdom Teeth and Why Do We Have Wisdom Tooth Problem?
During the surgery: RELAX
Despite being called a “surgery”, you should NOT feel any pain during the procedure as it is done under the influence of local anesthesia. Your dentist will poke your gums a little bit before starting the procedure to check if the anesthetic has taken effect. You may still feel light pressure, like when you press your skin with your own finger, but not pain.
So, just close your eyes and breathe normally with your nose. Doing so will also relax your muscles. Your dentist will then be able to do the extraction with more ease. Before you know it, you will have your wisdom tooth out of your mouth!
After the surgery: FOLLOW DOCTOR’S ORDERS
Right after the extraction, your dentist will give you a rolled-up gauze to bite on. This is very useful in closing the wound, so do keep biting on it for at least half an hour. If you think the gauze is soaked with blood, you can change the gauze with the extra ones that is given to you after the extraction.
The taste of blood may be intolerable for some, but please refrain from rinsing your mouth too much right after the extraction as it may disturb the wound healing process. Do not suck out the blood from the wound on purpose, too!
If you experience any facial swelling, opt for cold compress instead of a cold one, as hot compress will make the swelling worse.
Your dentist will prescribe drugs to help relief any post-operative complications you might have. Some common drugs include pain killers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and antibiotics. For antibiotics, make sure to complete the course of the drugs to kill off bacteria that want to sneak into your body through the wound from your wisdom tooth surgery.