Dr Liew Yuqin graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Science from University of Western Australia. During her 5 year course in Australia, she was fortunate to be exposed to a variety of dentistry – School dental service, domiciliary care (Geriatric and special needs dentistry), rural clinic placements, and specialist paediatric and periodontology public and private clinics. This allowed her to treat a diverse group of patients – the young to the old from different socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds. Since graduation, Dr Liew has been in full-time private practice in Singapore.
Dr Liew’s passion for dentistry does not end after graduation from dental school, instead it is actually only the beginning of an exciting new world for her. Her enthusiasm in attending numerous continuing dental education and training is evident by the quality of her clinical skill and work that has impressed a strong base of loyal and trusted patients that she is honoured to serve.
Dentistry beyond the clinics
Dr Liew’s desire to help her patients goes beyond the normal clinic setting. She had been to Myanmar and Cambodia to render dental services for the underprivileged. She believes in the act of giving and being of service to others. She considered herself to be blessed with a useful skill and it brings her much joy knowing that she is able to help people who have no or poor access to dental care due to financial or geographic limitations. She is living the vision of the Greenlife Dental Clinic of serving the people beyond the clinics and is looking forward to the next adventure somewhere in the world.
Special Interest in:
Straumann Implant Structured Didactic & Practical Course
Progressive Orthodontics
Practical Clinical Orthodontics
Osstem Implant Master Course.
Getting to know our Dentist
Why did you choose to be a dentist?
Since I was a child, I always had the ambition to be in healthcare. It was actually my initial experience in mission work that affirmed my decision to choose Dentistry over Medicine. By performing dental treatment, I am able to provide a service which has immediate impact to those in need – relief of pain, preventive care, restoring function, etc.

What are your favourite dental treatments, and why?
I love working with children and I find it fulfilling to improve the smiles of my young patients which have a tremendous impact in boosting their self-esteem and confidence through orthodontics. Other interests of mine would be wisdom teeth surgeries and dental implants.
“Give us a chance to understand your needs and we will endeavour to make you feel comfortable whilst helping you achieve good oral health.”
What are your hobbies?
Pilates and Creative arts
What are the things that keep you motivated in dentistry?
Every day I get to live is a blessing and I should live it purposefully. I should use what I have and my skills to serve others.
What is one advice you want to give to patients?
First thing many new patients say when they come is “I am scared of dentists” or “I don’t like coming to the dentist.”. It saddens me to think that is a patient’s first perception of us. I acknowledge that your anxiety and fear is valid and founded especially if you had an unpleasant past experience. However, I would like to assure our patients that we can make it a pleasant experience for you if you are open-minded and willing. Give us a chance to understand your needs and we will endeavour to make you feel comfortable whilst helping you achieve good oral health.